Monday, December 1, 2008

friend o enemy?

today my mood getting bad and bad again.. i cant still forget the damn word that he say to me.. argHHH!!! why u throw that word if u really dun know if u can proof it..haiyak! akue rndu kaw ah.. kalo xleh.. jgn ckap "bg mse coz XXXX maybe leh jdk kwn of gf one day" oh shit! hell wit that words... becoz of that aku lyn 'die'(ex) cam smpah..di saat 'die'(ex) dtg blek mmnta kasih tp hati kuh xde pape feel da..ntah de org curik.. bcoz of that too, idup kuh ksong da.. tersentak skejap dipermaen2kan mcm ah org 2 xde hati & prasaan.. think what?? haih..enough wit this! stop!!! maybe this is the end of our friendship.. u juz dissepear juz like that and im continue my life wit a single day jew... remember me when i'm gone.. -the end-

* cter nie mmg sedeyh ohh..akue tgok kat tv..haih..


aNn fArhaNaH said...

chop2..diz is real story or from tv?

Shahrul Tanaka said...

alamak xtaw sgt tentang kisah cinta :P

Lovisa Wanderer said...

it's me lisa =]
u can go to my blogspot now
but u have to scroll a bit to see the things that i tagged u.

Passerby said...

i choose friend and about it?hehe